Herb's Daughter

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Why Use Natural Deodorants

Herbal Deodorant--Travel Size

It happens to the best of us at some point – we leave the house and notice a stink under our armpits. We hope that nobody notices until we can get home and use our favorite deodorant. During this embarrassing moment, we want something powerful. If you are switching to non-toxic living, using natural deodorant… read more

Post Categories: Deodorant

Benefits of Lavender in Soap

Many of us take bathes to feel relaxed. The warm water, steam, and downtime is enough for us to forget the stresses of the day. Using soaps with lavender has an additional calming impact. Next time you take a long shower or bath, use a lavender soap to help relax. Lavender is one of the… read more

Post Categories: Lavender

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