Herb's Daughter

Benefits of Coffee and Green Tea Eye Creams

Your Eyes Have it Coffee and Green Tea Eye Cream

Whether you are 15 or 50, we all get dark lines under our eyes. Covering the lines with concealer is one option to temporarily hide the lines. However, caffeine rich eye creams can brighten the skin and reduce puffiness, creating a more meaningful difference.

Increased Circulation

Coffee and green tea can help improve circulation when applied topically to the skin. By applying cream around your eyes, caffeine increases the flow of nutrients that are carried in your blood to your eyes. This creates a more full, vibrant appearance. If you have poor circulation, the blood gathers around your eyes causing the dark lines.

Fights Skin Damage

We all face skin damage as we age. If you spend large parts of your time in the sun, your skin damage could be worse. Coffee and tea have powerful antioxidants that fights free radicals from UV rays. Free radicals are electric charges that can cause significant skin damage when they accumulate in your skin.

Along with shea butter, we have recently added red raspberry seed oil to the mix. This combination provides a 28-50 SPF protection factor against UVB rays and 8 SPF against UVA rays

Works as an Anti-Inflammatory

Have you noticed that along with your dark lines, you probably have puffy skin? The two nuisances go hand-in-hand. Caffeine is an anti-inflammatory that flushes out toxins and reduces redness and irritation.

At Herb’s Daughter, we have developed a natural eye cream with coffee and green tea to safely treat puffiness. Your Eyes Have It helps to mend your skin issue, rather than just covering it up. With Leucidal as a natural preservative (made from radishes), this cream is excellent for your skin. Order our one-of-a-kind, artisan skincare products today!

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