Herb's Daughter

Shower Melts Steamer Tablets & Herbal Deodorant Tea Tree

We started buying the Steamer Tablets last year, and I just began using the Tea Tree Deodorant.

Both are excellent products!

My Wife loves using the Steamer Tablets after a stressful day at work and/or dealing with her husband (editorial disclaimer: I, like all husbands, never give my wife anything to stress about….). Since our shower stall is on the smaller side and we take short showers given the drought situation in CA, she cuts them in half and that works wonders!

The Tea Tree Deodorant works very effectively and has a great ambiance. I used to have to get the absolute strongest aluminum-based ones in the summer in order to “be more sociable,” and the Tea Tree Deodorant works the absolute best out of all of the non-aluminum-based ones that I’ve tried.

Post Categories: All Testimonials, Deodorant

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